History of the Province
The Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Lanarkshire Middle Ward was constituted and erected at Hamilton, within the Royal Hotel, on the 29th day of April 1878, and included under its jurisdiction three Subordinate Chapters, viz. ‘Robert Burns’ No. 143, ‘Bothwell’ No. 170, and ‘Hamilton’ No. 172.
The following is an extract from the minutes of the provincial Grand Chapter of Lanarkshire dated 22nd July 1878:
“The Committee in terms of Cap. X, Section 8, ordered a meeting of said Provincial Grand Chapter of Lanarkshire to be held in Glasgow on the 22nd inst. At their usual place of meeting and hour for the purpose of reporting to the Supreme Grand Chapter upon the petitions for establishing a Provincial Grand Chapter for the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire in terms of the remit from the last meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter.”
“The meeting then carefully considered the petitions remitted from the Supreme Grand Chapter from Chapters “Robert Burns”, “Bothwell”, and “Hamilton” for the establishing of a Provincial Grand Chapter for the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire.”
It was moved by Companion Thomas M. Campbell and seconded by Companion James Duthie, that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Companion George W. Donald moved as an amendment, seconded by Companion William Pitt that we do not recommend to the Supreme Grand Chapter the disjunction of those Chapters from the Province and that the prayer of the petitioners be not granted. On the vote being taken, those voted for the motion 10, and for the amendment 4, the motion granting the prayer of the petitioners was therefore declared carried.

Past Grand Superintendents
- 1878—1892 Lt. Col. John Clark Forrest
- 1892—1920 Lt. Col. Sir Robert King Stewart
- 1920—1926 Lt. Col. Peter Spence (Died in Office Sept 1926)
- 1927—1930 John Stirling
- 1930—1934 Cuthbert Robson Larkman
- 1934—1944 David White Brown
- 1944—1948 Robert S. Anderson (Died in Office April 1948)
- 1948—1951 James F. Taylor (Died in Office Dec 1951)
- 1952—1956 Alexander Thompson
- 1956—1961 John Snedden (Died in Office Jan 1961)
- 1961—1971 William Service
- 1971—1976 James Boslem
- 1976—1981 James S. K. Wright
- 1981—1986 James Burgess
- 1986—1991 Edward Feeney
- 1991—1996 George Simpson
- 1996—2001 John Weir
- 2001—2006 Peter Greenan
- 2006—2011 James G. Turnbull
- 2011—2016 David W. McMorris
- 2016—2021 Alexander R. Brown
Past Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
- 1878-1896 William McMurdo
- 1896-1913 William W. Snedden
- 1913-1916 John Stirling
- 1916-1930 Cuthbert Robson Larkman
- 1930-1946 Thomas S. Galbraith
- 1946-1948 John McCulloch
- 1948-1952 Reginald J. Haynes
- 1952-1958 Samuel McCrackan
- 1958-1959 James M. Fleming
- 1959-1965 James S. K. Wright
- 1965-1971 Malcolm Speirs
- 1971-1976 Thomas Lowe
- 1976-1978 George N. E. Wilson
- 1978-1981 Alexander L. B. Fraser
- 1981-1991 George J. Smith
- 1991-1998 Thomas Wilson
- 1998-2001 James P. Watt
- 2001-2006 James G. Turnbull
- 2006-2011 Pringle Johnstone
- 2011-2016 Gordon Mather
- 2016-2021 Allan Duffy